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Success Story

Success Story: Khalique

Equipped with the talent to go far, Khalique needed extra support to help realize his potential. At the YWCA, he found a team of people

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Success Story

Success Story: Carol

Ready to overcome a life-long fear of water, Carol became a member of YWCA St. Paul’s Health & Fitness Center (HFC) and bravely enrolled in

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Success Story

Success Story: Precious

At 24, Precious courageously ended an unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend knowing a brighter future lay ahead. “I felt so free once I left him.

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Success Story

Success Story: Eritrea

Laid off in 2011, Eritrea was frustrated by a difficult economy and the obstacles that stood in her way of finding another job. Interested in

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Success Story

Success Story: Lindsay

Looking at a picture from her 25th wedding anniversary, Lindsay barely recognizes the woman smiling back. The photo reminds her of a time when she

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Success Story

Success Story: Rozan

“When I was in Lebanon, I didn’t have a dream,” Rozan says, reflecting on her childhood there. Only able to attend one year of school,

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Success Story

Success Story: Quintin

Struggling at school with academics and behavior, Quintin was referred to YWCA St. Paul for tutor­ing. After learning more about challenges he was fac­ing at

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Success Story

Success Story: Takeysha

Takeysha struggled in high school and never thought she could go further. When she became the sole provider for her two children and became homeless,

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Success Story

Success Story: Jill

In early 2012, Jill slipped on a patch of ice and broke her wrist. With her injury, she became reluctant to spend time outdoors and

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Success Story

Success Story: Cornelia

At age 92, Cornelia noticed her balance and stamina were quickly declining. She struggled to do simple things like opening jars and lifting small objects,

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