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2024 Annual Report

YWCA St. Paul Is Focused on Health Equity and Repositions Itself as a Center for Community Engagement

A letter from Ashley Booker YWCA St. Paul CEO

2023 was a remarkable year! Thanks to the responsive engagement of our supporters, we were able to elevate the mission of YWCA St. Paul. Because of you, and others like you, we responded to the needs of our community in ways we have never had before. Whether it’s affordable housing or job training or simply a place to regain your health, YWCA St. Paul has been a conduit for all community to meet their aspirations and fulfill their dreams. In 2023, we strengthened our focus on Health Equity, transformed our space into a hub for community engagement, and launched new partnerships.

As I reflect on my first year as CEO of YWCA St. Paul, I am energized by and grateful for the warmth, kindness, and generosity of our community.

Taking on the role of CEO at YWCA St. Paul is truly a full-circle opportunity for me. I grew up in this neighborhood, multiple generations of Bookers have lived in this neighborhood, and I was a member of our Health & Fitness Center through my college years. For me, leading YWCA St. Paul has felt like coming home, and we are opening our doors wide to invite others to do the same.

Join us as we embark on our journey to transform our Selby Ave. location into a community hub and an integrated network of support for health and wellness. Our vision is to improve all health outcomes, especially for communities of color.

I’m excited for what’s ahead. I look forward to working together to implement our new vision and continue to strengthen our programs!


Ashley Booker


our mission in action

Since 1907, YWCA has been a champion for equity in St. Paul, remaining steadfast in its commitment to its mission: eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

We provide programming and critical support services in the areas of housing, education, employment, health and wellness, and racial justice. The vast majority of our program participants are BIPOC, with most identifying as African American. For much of our history, our programs have been designed and delivered to improve outcomes for youth and adults marginalized because of their race, culture, gender, or economic status.

Our four program pillars are Health & Wellness, Housing and Supportive Services, Employment & Career Development, and Youth Development.

Participant Spotlight

In 2023 YWCA St. Paul celebrated milestones and personal successes alongside our program participants. Here are a few inspiring stories from our Sweet Success honorees.  



Through YWCA St. Paul’s Housing and Employment and Economic Development programs, Jewel gained job skills, and financial literacy, and furthered her career. Through our Career Pathways program, she obtained her commercial driver’s license and became a school bus driver. She and her eight children ages 4-16 years old, are thriving.



Kesheena found out about YWCA St. Paul when she became homeless with her three-year-old daughter after working as a nursing assistant for six years. Through YWCA St. Paul’s Transitional Housing Initiative, she and her daughter were able to move into their own home.



Shimarrion with the help and support of the YW STRIDE program, overcame life obstacles, and learned to advocate for herself. Through the STRIDE program which helps young women of color who have aged out of foster care, she was able to gain independence and have a home of her own with her four children—a two-year-old, 3-year-old twins, and a 6-year-old. Shimarrion now volunteers in a women’s shelter to help others through the struggles she experienced. Shimarrion is striding to work in the social work field because the barriers she has experienced have made her passionate about working with others.

our programs


YWCA St. Paul owns and operates 57 safe, affordable housing units for individuals and families. Our residents include single mothers, families exiting homelessness, people living with chronic illness, and more. We pair our affordable housing with wrap-around support services that help participants stabilize their lives, build new skills, connect to community, and secure a future where they are empowered to thrive.

Participants are referred to one of our core programs based on their needs, with a range of services including subsidized apartments, financial and life skills education, and assistance in navigating school, health, and community resources.

In 2023, a total of 83 adults and 156 children were supported through YWCA St. Paul’s Housing and Supportive Services program.

“One of [YWCA St. Paul’s] key strengths lie in our ability to address the complex challenges individuals and families face, not only by providing housing but also by focusing on comprehensive support and empowerment.”


At YWCA St. Paul, we believe that every young person deserves a bright start to their adult future regardless of the resources they’ve grown up with. Our Youth Development programs provide connections, resources, and a safe place to build a community.

YW STRIDE works with young women of color ages 17–24 who have aged out of foster care by helping them secure stable housing and navigate relationships, resources, and systems.

Leveraging the unique combination of services offered at YWCA St. Paul and the expertise and collaboration of our Youth and Housing & Supportive Services programs, staff provide life coaching and empower participants to build confidence and self-efficacy through an 18-month program.

In 2023, five participants in the YW Stride program secured stable housing and navigated relationships, resources, and systems.

“Young women of color transitioning from foster care are the hidden population. With community support and programs like STRIDE, they are being seen, heard, and striving!” - Holly Marshall, STRIDE Transition Coach

The Young Women’s Initiative of Minnesota (YWIMN) is a first-of-its-kind partnership between the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota, the State of Minnesota, and YWCA St. Paul. This public-private partnership and multi-year, multi-million-dollar investment seeks to achieve equity in opportunities and to improve the lives of young women of color, American Indian young women, young women from Greater Minnesota, LGBTQ youth, and young women with disabilities.

YWCA St. Paul hosts the Young Women’s Cabinet, composed of young women and youth leaders (ages 16-24) who are appointed by the Governor, in actively engaging in leadership and advocacy development, policy initiatives, and community engagement to address disparities for girls and young women.

In 2023, 14 young people in the YWI cabinet engaged in leadership and advocacy development, philanthropy, policy initiatives, and community engagement to address disparities for girls and young women.

“Our partnership with WFMN and the Governor is to be committed to supporting the future of young women. Continued funding provides the youth and young women the opportunity to succeed. The Young Women's Initiative Statewide Cabinet strives for equity and opportunity in their communities, promoting leadership and community engagement for a better future.”


YWCA St. Paul’s Employment & Economic Development programs empower people to build professional skills and overcome barriers to employment to enhance self-sufficiency. Providing access to employment opportunities, training for credentials, and ongoing support services, these programs give people the assistance they need to move forward.

Currently, YWCA St. Paul provides free training and job search support for eligible individuals to become nursing assistants or phlebotomists. Participants earn credentials, get help with career navigation, and get access to uniforms, books, and transportation assistance as needed.

In 2023, 400 participants maximized their economic self-sufficiency and stabilized their families through employment support services, financial literacy workshops, direct financial assistance to bridge gaps as families lose benefits, and holistic programming to promote healthy families.

“Our comprehensive programs are designed not just to provide job training and career support, but to ensure that every individual has the opportunity to achieve economic self-sufficiency and build a healthier future. By fostering equitable opportunities, we empower individuals and strengthen families”


YWCA St. Paul’s Health & Fitness Center (HFC) is a vibrant hub of wellness- and community-minded gym goers. Whether you’re working out on your own, taking a class, enjoying a swim, or working with a trainer, the HFC is a great place to find your fit.

As a mission-based organization, we are an inclusive community where people of different races, ethnicities, cultures, faiths, economic status statuses, and gender identities have equitable opportunities to access services, including health and wellness. We are committed to making our fitness facility accessible and welcoming to all genders, ages, and abilities.

Defining Health Equity

At YWCA, we understand health equity as the inherent right for everyone to attain their highest level of health. This goes beyond the absence of illness and addresses the social, economic, and environmental factors that impact health and well-being.


A Vision for the Future

YWCA envisions a world where BIPOC individuals and communities are consistently able to achieve optimal health. YWCA is dedicated to breaking down barriers, promoting access to quality healthcare and critical resources, and fostering a society where everyone can thrive. Together, let’s build a future where optimal health is an unalienable right, and not a privilege.

“We continue to see increases in memberships, member visits, class participation, and different revenue streams for the HFC. As we look to the future, we look to form new partnerships within the community that will help expand our services at YWCA St. Paul, along with benefiting our members and our community. Health Equity is of our highest priorities, and we will strive to offer programming to help everyone attain optimal health.”

2023 in highlights

March 2023

YWCA St. Paul hosted its first annual Black History Month Celebration event. Together we honored the rich history and legacy of the Black community. The event welcomed more than 200 guests and highlighted small Black businesses, fitness instructors, and other prominent leaders who are effecting change in our community today.

May 2023

Sweet Success 2023 raised more than $85,000 and celebrated the legacy of Gaye Adams Massey. She was presented with the inaugural Gaye Adams Massey Legacy Award for her dedication and compassionate leadership at YWCA St. Paul and beyond.

June 2023

YWCA St. Paul’s request to the Legislature for $2.3 million to help repair, restore, and maintain our buildings was approved! This was a critically needed investment in housing for homeless families, ensuring they continue to have safe, accessible, sustainable homes for years to come.

July 2023

After serving as YWCA St. Paul CEO for eight years, Gaye Adams Massey retired in July of 2023. Under her leadership, YWCA St. Paul provided critical services and resources to thousands of individuals and families in the St. Paul area, including supportive housing, employment training, youth programming, health and wellness, and racial and gender equity education and advocacy. Also during her tenure, YWCA St. Paul’s commitment to equity and justice was recognized with numerous awards, including the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Anti-Racism Initiative Award.  

August 2023

Ashley Booker assumes role as YWCA St. Paul CEO. Ashley is a dedicated advocate for equitable outcomes and a leader with deep roots in the Saint Paul community. Ashley brings experience in education, program development, evaluation, fundraising, and community engagement to her role.

October 2023

YWCA St. Paul’s Board of Directors attended a board retreat that focused on YWCA St. Paul’s guiding principles. YWCA St. Paul committed to Health Equity and our four pillars of health equity: Health & Wellness, Housing, Employment, and Youth Development. In addition, the board highlighted the significance of positioning the Health & Fitness Center as mission critical.

December 2023

YWCA St. Paul celebrated a fulfilled year of being supported by community. From community members donating more than 200 gifts to our Housing participants through our annual giving tree , to financial gifts to help continue our important programs, we had a remarkable December thanks to you!


2023 Revenue

2023 expenses

statement of activities

statement of financial position

2023 partners, donors & volunteers

You made all the difference in 2023.


500 supporters uplifted the work and mission of YWCA St. Paul!

Supporter Composition

400 Individuals and Families

70 Foundations and Corporations

12 Government Agencies

6 Faith Communities

12 Community Organizations

board of directors


Angela Burns Finney



Mara Ascheman



Tina Grant



Liesl Kistow


Kristin Beckmann

Charles Bradley

Kim Ferguson

Alison Lehman

Margie Lindberg

Kathleen Marron

Yvonne Mitchell

Barb Tretheway

Anika Ward

Yohuru Williams

Cassandra Yarbrough

Ashley Booker

Gaye Adams Massey

2023 committees

Executive Committee

Angela Burns Finney, Chair

Mara Ascheman

Charles Bradley

Liesl Kistow

Barb Tretheway

Yohuru Williams

Cassandra Yarbrough

Governance Committee

Barb Tretheway, Chair

Julie Brunner

Angela Burns Finney

Phyllis Goff

Kathleen Marron


Finance Committee

Kim Ferguson

Peggy Ingison

Fundraising and Donor Development Committee

Cassandra Yarbrough, Chair

Mara Ascheman

Kristin Beckmann

Steve Halvorsen

Liesl Kistow

Betsy Russomanno

Kathy Schubert

Kate Seng

Capital Campaign Steering Committee

Shawntera Hardy, Co-Chair

Beverly Jones Heydinger, Co-Chair

Kristin Beckmann

Kim Ferguson

Angela Burns Finney

Phyllis Goff

Robyn Hansen

Carleen Rhodes

Susan Sands

Yohuru Williams

Cassandra Yarbrough

Sweet success

What Sweet Success it was for YWCA St. Paul!

More than 250 people joined us at Allianz Field Stadium Club for our annual Sweet Success fundraiser on May 31. It was such a treat to witness community coming together. We exceeded our Sweet Success fundraising goal by raising more than $100,000 in support of YWCA St. Paul’s programs and mission to eliminate racism and empower women!

We had an impactful program, and we were especially thrilled to be joined by Mayor Melvin Carter and YWCA St. Paul’s current Board Chair Angela Finney. As Mayor Melvin Carter said in his opening remarks when he looked out into the crowd at Sweet Success, “This [community] is what success looks like.” A number of other local and state elected officials and community leaders were in attendance all evening. We thank them for their support and leadership.

Congratulations to YWCA St. Paul’s Sweet Success Program Honorees, 2023 Changemaker of the Year Beverly Jones Heydinger, and to Gaye Adams Massey, YWCA St. Paul’s CEO, who was presented with the Gaye Adams Massey Legacy Award for her dedication and compassionate leadership at YWCA St. Paul and beyond.


YWCA St. Paul thanks our generous sponsors for supporting Sweet Success