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Success Story: Quintin

Struggling at school with academics and behavior, Quintin was referred to YWCA St. Paul for tutor­ing. After learning more about challenges he was fac­ing at home and at school, staff encouraged Quintin’s mom, LaVera, to enroll him in the Youth Achievers Program (YAP). Quintin joined the program lack­ing confidence, and when tested, he scored only 30 percent on academic pre-assessments.

As the weeks rolled by, Quintin’s confidence and academic skills grew. Halfway through the year, he was assessed again, and the improvements were remarkable. This time, he scored 93 percent. “I’m proud of him,” says LaVera. “I just want him to strive to be what he wants to be and what he wants to grow up and do.”

Quintin’s achievements are doing more than positively impacting him — they’re also influencing his younger brother, Jeremiah. Seeing his brother strive to do well and receive recognition for his accomplishments is motivating him to do the same.