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Success Story

Success Story: Curtis

For four years, Curtis worked at a local meat packing plant. The shifts were grueling and conditions difficult, but it was steady work. “Making $15

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Success Story

Success Story: Israeel

Unemployed and struggling to afford childcare for her son, Israeel was determined to build a better life for her family. As a participant in our

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Success Story

Success Story: Leona

You’ll find Leona in the Health & Fitness Center six days a week. At 93 years old, many marvel at how active she is, but

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Success Story

Success Story: Rakeem

At 15, Rakeem was in crisis. Battling the effects of early childhood trauma, years in foster care and a dissolved adoption, he faced a return

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Shalonda and her daughter
Success Story

Success Story: Shalonda

For 14 years, Shalonda endured domestic violence. Although she was afraid for her life, she didn’t think she was strong enough to leave. It was

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Success Story

Success Story: Ihesha

Earning close to minimum wage and struggling to make ends meet, Ihesha never thought she could do more. Driven to provide a better life for

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Success Story

Success Story: Linda

Living with high blood pressure for many years, Linda finally decided it was time to make a change. Determined to work toward her goal of

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Success Story

Success Story: Albert

“Nothing’s easy. There’s always [hardships]—but if you stay diligent, it pays off,” explains Albert, who came to YWCA St. Paul after getting laid off in

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Tameisha and her children
Success Story

Success Story: Tameisha

Tameisha and her sons became homeless after fleeing an abusive relationship. While staying in a domestic violence shelter, the family learned they had been accepted

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Success Story

Success Story: Tavanja

Fearful for their safety, Tavanja bravely fled an abusive relationship to start a new life for herself and her three children. Although relieved to be

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