Category: Spotlights

Anika Ward – Board Spotlight

Leadership has been a theme throughout board member Anika Ward’s entire life. Her desire to constantly reimagine (and redesign) what is possible is at the core of her work, which is why she started Sankofa Leadership Network. 

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Tina Grant – YW Spotlight Profile

A self-described ‘child of St. Paul,’ Tina Grant grew up mere blocks from the YWCA St. Paul. But it wasn’t until a colleague invited her to a YW fundraiser in 2012, that she began to really understand the scope of YW’s work. Having served on the Board since 2013, Tina continues to be impressed by the work YW does.

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A Historian Looks to the Future – Yohuru Williams Profile

Dr. Yohuru Williams, YWCA St. Paul’s Board Chair takes a straightforward approach to allocating his time. “Part of my calculation is to ask, where is the greatest need and where can I have the greatest impact? Where I allocate my time is influenced by where I can create ripples—ripples that amplify the work that’s already being done.”

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