Alison Lehman – Spotlight Profile

Timing is everything. Alison Lehman was in the midst of co-founding a women’s group at Securian Financial and seeking volunteer opportunities, when she was connected to YWCA St. Paul. “The mission of the YW really spoke to me. I was working to create a culture at work where all women are supported and empowered, and here was a local nonprofit doing just that! That’s what drew me to the YW.”

Alison Lehman and family
Alison with husband Paul, toddler Harrison, baby Bridger and pooch Stella.

Lehman joined the YW Board in 2019, bringing her critical thinking skills and the ability to offer objective feedback from her experience as Senior Managing Counsel at Securian. She also had some ‘softer’ skills to share. “As a millennial, I can bring that perspective and life experience to my Board work. I’m also passionate about creating an environment that helps women achieve their goals and really fosters skill building. I have introduced the YW to my network of friends and colleagues – sharing the important work of the YW with a broader audience and advancing that ideal environment.”

With two young children and a demanding career, Lehman recognizes that volunteering sometimes fails to be a priority for others with similar demands on their time. She offers this advice, “There are so many areas of need right now. Find a cause you are truly passionate about and focus your energy there. If you really love the mission, volunteering won’t feel like an obligation, it will be energizing.”

The desire to volunteer is ingrained in Lehman. “I have been so fortunate—I’ve had food, safe housing, an education. As a result, I have a sense of obligation to help those who didn’t have the same advantages. By supporting the YW, I can play a role in helping others succeed.”