Success Story: Jill

In early 2012, Jill slipped on a patch of ice and broke her wrist. With her injury, she became reluctant to spend time outdoors and started limiting activities she had long enjoyed. Months passed and the inactivity took its toll – Jill had gained weight and was still struggling with debilitating pain from her injury.

“[The YWCA] is the first time I’ve made exercise be a part of my day.”


Determined to turn things around, she joined YWCA St. Paul and began attending water fitness classes. While in the pool, she worked to get fit—and to rebuild strength in her injured wrist/hand. Today, Jill’s range-of-motion and dexterity have dramatically improved and she’s lost more than 30 pounds! “[The YWCA has been] a great place to have fun, meet new people and stay in shape,” she says. “I’m grateful for all the support.”