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Category: The View from Gen Z

woman talking on the phone with face protective mask
The View from Gen Z

Slowing the Spread of COVID-19 – a Reminder

Each of us can play a role in slowing the spread of Covid-19. While Minnesota continues to see spikes in Covid cases, there are simple precautions we can and should be taking to make a difference. What are you doing to slow the spread?

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Aerial view of an old housing estate on the outskirts of the city with railway tracks close to the buildings
The View from Gen Z

Homeless in America – Racism’s Long Shadow

A recent Community Conversation hosted by YW discussed how poverty, unemployment and a lack of affordable housing are pushing homeless numbers up in Minnesota and that without a community structure or support system to address these issues, they will continue to grow. See how you can become part of the solution…

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illustration of diverse women standing on the word vote
The View from Gen Z

New Voice at YWCA Promotes Voting

With over 20 million Gen Z’s now eligible to vote this year, this age group could significantly influence the outcome and impact of the November elections. In this week’s blog post, the YWCA’s newest intern urges us not to miss the opportunity to vote and drive change in 2020!

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Stylized quotation which reads "You can’t have a movement without young people. Gen Z, let’s continue to be changemakers!” - Justin Terrell
The View from Gen Z

Tackling Racism

YWCA St. Paul launches on-going community conversation on activism and reform designed to raise awareness to the systemic inequities faced by black people in this country. Hear from local leaders as they share their own lived experiences.

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Multicultural young women friends relaxing on a park bench
The View from Gen Z

Ready to Emerge?

Are you ready to emerge and connect to your community? Check out Girls Emerge, which provides young women with opportunities to create community, affirm identity, explore careers, and promote social justice through a racial and gender equity lens.

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from behind, looking at a crowd of people at a rally (a podium is visible in the far background). In the center of the frame is a Black woman with long, dark hair holding a sign that says "America, do better."
The View from Gen Z

Power of Activism

Throughout history, activism has been present. And always at the forefront of those movements are young people – organizing and leading, demanding justice for the inequities that continue to plague society. Check out how activists can make a difference today.

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"Congrats 2020 Graduates" script on a orange background
The View from Gen Z

Celebrating Our Grads!

Graduation season has arrived, and we’re taking this opportunity to celebrate our 2020 Graduates in the midst of a pandemic. Read the full post to see where these young leaders are headed after graduation. And let us know YOUR plans too!

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Smiling focused girl typing message on smartphone in park.
The View from Gen Z

Covid Connections

Despite social distancing, we are all looking for ways to stay connected with others. Read the full post to check out ways to maintain contact and tell us how YOU are maintaining connections.

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