Your voice. your vote.

Election day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

There are no federal-level races on the ballot this year, but that doesn’t mean that elections don’t matter. Local leaders play a key role in making decisions about what impacts you and your family.

The record-setting turnout of 2020 should be celebrated and expanded. To move forward together as a nation and emerge strong from the pandemic, we must continue to participate in large numbers in upcoming state and local elections and exercise our freedom to vote. The more of us that cast a ballot in every election, the more we will have leaders who govern in our interests and make the promise of our democracy real. It is up to us to register and vote in large numbers, so that we can hold them accountable and build a democracy at all levels of government that works best for everyone.

Why Vote in 2021?

Local Leadership Matters

Local leaders play a key role in making decisions about what impacts you and your family. The leaders we elect this fall will make crucial policy decisions about our schools, public transportation, local policing and other key issues. It is up to us to register and vote in large numbers, so that we can hold them accountable and build a democracy at all levels of government that works best for everyone.

Building Trust & Voting Habits

Local elections this year are also an important opportunity to make voting more of a habit for the many first-time voters of 2020, and to remind all Americans that elections are run, staffed, and executed by their friends and neighbors in their community. We can be proud of our longstanding tradition of democratic elections and trust in the integrity of the process, as evidenced in our community coming together to run and participate in local elections. To learn more about elections in Minnesota, visit Minnesota’s Secretary of State website

It's almost election day 2021!

Election day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Our Commitment To Voting

At YWCA St. Paul, we fight for a world of equity and human decency, including the right to full, fair and accurate elections. Throughout 2021, YWCAs across the nation will engage citizens across the nation through non-partisan voter registration and mobilization, issues education and women’s leadership development.

Make sure you and your friends and loved ones are registered to vote. Double-check your registration and have a plan for voting before the election.

This is your voice, your vote, your future.


  • The Minnesota elections website offers a tool to check its database of registered voters: click here to confirm your registration.
  • You can register online, right now by clicking here.  You will need an email address and either a state-issued ID (MN ID card or MN driver’s license) or the last 4 digits of your SSN. 
  • You can also register yourself or others by mail
  • Minnesota also allows you to register on election day by bringing an acceptable ID to the polls.
  • Apply to have an absentee ballot mailed to you. Absentee ballots and mail-in ballots are the same thing! Ballots will be mailed to you when they become available for the general election but be sure to request your ballot early to avoid delivery delays.
  • Remember the following to make sure that your ballot is counted:
    • Read the instructions that come with your ballot carefully.
    • Mail the ballot and forms back right away after you finish. Your ballot must be received by Election Day  or it will not be counted. 
  • Click here for more information and FAQ’s on voting by mail.

Click here to find your polling place online. 

Uniformed or military personnel and their dependents or citizens who are temporarily overseas can apply for a special ballot at

Yes! You may need a registered voter to accompany you to the polling place and confirm where you are living. Click here to learn more about voting without permanent residence.

There are ways to vote without making your information public. The Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program can help if you have acute safety concerns. Click here for details.

By law, your employer must allow you paid time off work to vote, though it’s a good idea to inform your employer of when you will be gone. You can also vote early — click here for more details.  

Help Others vote

  • Volunteer as a poll worker or election judge
  • Ask if people you know need help applying for an absentee ballot
  • Tell your family and friends why voting is important to you and encourage them to vote

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