3M Investing in YWCA St. Paul’s Racial Equity Work

The important racial equity work of YWCA St. Paul is being advanced through a $250,000 investment from 3M’s new Social Justice Fund. The 3M Foundation launched the new fund following the death of George Floyd and teamed with its Employee Resource Networks to evaluate local nonprofits with a focus on legal justice, racial equity and healing. The team ultimately selected four organizations to each receive a $250,000 grant in support of their important work.

YWCA St. Paul will use the funds to help support and expand education and advocacy efforts that fight racism and promote social justice, as well as its programs and services that impact racial and gender-based disparities in housing, education and employment in our community.

“The fight against racism — systemic and personal — is at the heart of everything YWCA St. Paul does — from our mission to our daily interactions with the people we serve,” said Gaye Adams Massey, CEO YWCA St. Paul.

Learn more about what 3M is doing to help advance racial equity and healing here: https://news.3m.com/English/3m-stories/3m-details/2020/3M-Foundation-awards-1M-to-four-local-organizations-in-support-of-racial-equity/default.aspx